Barbell pullover vs dumbbell pullover
Barbell pullover vs dumbbell pullover


The pullover can also be performed with a barbell or EZ bar. Grab a manageable weight that you can lift without compromising form. Due to the range of motion and positioning, you will not be able to perform the dumbbell pullover with an excessive heavy load. The key to the dumbbell pullover is the load and range of motion.


The after-burn effect, otherwise known as EPOC or exercise-post oxygen consumption will have your metabolism running on full blast post workout, to help with recovery, thus attributing to better overall composition. The more muscle mass you have on your frame, the more calories you will burn at rest. Targeting multiple muscle groups at one time will help you burn more calories and build more lean muscle mass, thus achieving optimal body composition. If your goal is to achieve a chiseled and strong athletic physique, the dumbbell pullover is a key movement in your training split. The primary benefit of the dumbbell pullover is thought to be the expansion of the ribcage, and engagement of the entire upper body to achieve a bigger range of motion and core recruitment. There’s a reason why bodybuilding legends like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, Dorian Yates, and Frank Zane attribute their epic gains to the dumbbell pullover – because it works. The dumbbell pullover really could be considered a compound movement, hitting major muscle groups, joints, and secondary muscle groups in one fluid motion, attributing to more total and upper body strength. By slowly contracting the chest on the eccentric phase of the lift in starting position, the lats are engaged by the extensive and wide range of motion as you lower the weight, only to power through the finish targeting the chest on the concentric phase of the lift once again. More Muscle Growthĭumbbell pullover benefits lean muscle mass and strength, especially since it targets two of the largest muscle groups in the upper body. Other muscles activated in the dumbbell pullover are the core or abdominals, triceps, and shoulders. The chest is the primary muscle group stimulated in this movement, with the lats as the secondary targeted muscle. Dumbbell Pullover Muscles WorkedĮlectromyographic analysis (EMG) studies have shown that the dumbbell pullover works the chest otherwise known as the pectoralis major and the upper back or latissimus dorsi. This movement is a great finishing exercise to strengthen your chest and build more lean muscle mass, especially considering its extensive range of motion. The dumbbell pullover is an accessory strength-training movement, which targets your pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi.


That being said, the dumbbell pullover is a proven and effective chest and back movement, that can add some serious size and strength to your upper body. We are going to cover the dumbbell pullover’s benefits, the muscles worked, & how to perform them properly.

barbell pullover vs dumbbell pullover

Prioritizing heavy compound movements in your training program always comes before accessory strength exercises. When you’re training your upper body, the dumbbell pullover probably isn’t the first exercise that comes to mind.

Barbell pullover vs dumbbell pullover